
Mon Feb 5 23:23:41 PST 2024, a

Edwood is a reimplementation of acme in Go which runs on a variety of platforms.

One of our most succesful recent GSoC projects was for replacing parts of edwood's internal graphics structures. This year, we're encouraging contributors to look at up to three sub-tasks aimed at getting colored text into edwood windows.

Potential contributors might also take a look at edwood's issues page for additional ideas.

You can find the project home page on github: edwood

Sun Mar 28 11:22:35 PDT 2021, glenda

Edwood is a reimplementation of acme in Go.

You can find the project home page on github: edwood

Sun Mar 28 11:21:53 PDT 2021, glenda

Edwood is a reimplementation of acme in Go. You can find the project home page on github: edwood